Namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain
Namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain

namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain

My Obeisance to Shri all Sadhu Ji, found in the whole universe. My Obeisance to Shri Upadhyaya Ji, the spiritual Teacher. My Obeisance to Shri Airiyanam Ji (Acharya Ji), the Preceptors. My Obeisance to Shri Siddha Ji, the Liberated Soul. My Obeisance to Shri Arihant Ji, the Omniscient. This mantra chanting will help in completing all your endeavours and solve all the problems you confront.MAHA MANTRA NAMOKAR JAIN CONCEPT OF PRAYER This sadhana will bring you name and fame in the society.Ĭhanting “Om Rheem Namo Uvajayanam” for 1,25,000 times can destroy all the problems and evils that might trouble you.Ĭhant “Om Rheem Namo Loye Savva Sahunam” 27 times a day for a period of 27 days. It will help secure success in all your works.Ĭhant the padha “Om Rheem Namo Aayariyanam” for 1,25,000 times within a time span of six months. Write the padha “Om Namo Siddhanam on a sheet of paper using saffron for 1,25,000 times.

namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain

This will remove the fear of enemies and increase your self-confidence and will power. The benefits of chanting Navkar mantrĬhant “Om Rheem Namo Arihantanam” for 12,500 times in a week. It seeks the blessings of those noble souls that remind people of their final goal or Nirvana. The mantra respects and praises the advanced spiritual beings who show the path to the rest of the humans to follow. Jainism does not recommend asking for favors or material benefits from the Tirtankaras or the saints. The navkar mantra is a general chant to venerate and seek the blessings of all gods, sages and saints. The prayer only venerates the qualities, attainments and characteristics of the noble souls who descended on this earth, lived nobles lives and showed the path to enlightenment for all the beings. The Navkar mantra does not address any specific name of god or saint. Padhamam Havei Mangalam: This Navkar Mantra is the principal one Manglananch Savvesim: among all the auspicious mantras Savva-pavappanasano: can destroy all my sins Namo Loe Savva-sahunam: I bow down to all the saints and venerated spiritual souls in the world.Įso Panch Namokaro: The five kinds of bowing down I did through this mantra Namo Uvajjhayanam: I bow down to all Upadhyaya (The preceptors), Namo Ayriyanam: I bow down to all Acharyas (The spiritual masters or divine teachers), Namo Siddhanam: I bow down to all Siddhas (The completely liberated souls ), Namo Arihantanam: I bow down to all Arihanta (The souls who have escaped all their gati karmas)

namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain

The Navkar Mantra consists of 68 letters. This mantra simply serves as a gesture of deep respect towards beings whom they believe are spiritually evolved, as well as to remind the people of their ultimate goal i.e. Jains do not ask for any favors or material benefits from the tirthankaras or monastics. The prayer is done towards the guṇa (the good qualities) of the gods, teachers and the saints. There is no mention of any particular names of the gods or any specific person.

  • He finally says that this mantra is the most auspicious one.
  • Wishes for well being of each and every living entity.
  • He also says that by bowing to all these five supreme souls,.
  • Sādhu - The monks or sages in the world practicing Samyak Charitra (right conduct).
  • Upadhyaya - Preceptor of less advanced ascetic.
  • Acharyas - The spiritual leaders or Preceptors.
  • Arihant- Those who have destroyed the four inimical karmas.
  • The mantra is also variously referred to as the Pancha Namaskāra Mantra, Navakāra Mantra or Namaskāra Mantra.īelow is the meaning of Navkar Mantra line by line, wherein the devotee first bows to the five supreme souls or Pañca-Parameṣṭhi: This is the first prayer recited by the Jains while meditating. The ‘Ṇamōkāra mantra/Navkar Mantra is the most significant mantra in Jainism.

    Namo arihantanam jaap radhika jain